About The Challenge
Palo Alto Unified School District is pleased to invite you to join our 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Forming Challenge! We appreciate the community partners who joined us to launch this Challenge: The City of Palo Alto, Youth Community Service and the Palo Alto PTA Council.
We cannot achieve equity and justice for all Palo Alto residents, students and employees without challenging our belief systems about the origins
Sharing Understanding
Throughout this week, expect to engage with content on race and other issues of equity not only in our country, but also, specifically within our community. At the end of this week, we hope that all participants will walk away with a shared understanding of our country and our community’s past with race. When sharing out and connecting with others this week around this learning, remember that we are all at different points in our journey, and we are all here to support each other’s growth.
Please click the pictures below to go to the Day's page.

Expanding Perspectives
Be prepared to go deeper this week. As you work through the learning materials provided, we challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to consider and reflect in response to becoming aware of experiences and facts that may contradict current or previously held beliefs. We also hope that when you connect with others this week that you will call in, with kindness and care, those who are not in the same place as you are in your learning.
Please click the pictures below to go to the Day's page.

Moving Forward
Throughout the culminating week of our 21 day challenge, take stock of what you’ve learned, how you’ve changed, and begin to contemplate what’s next for you on your journey. What will you do to make sure you stay aware? What will you do to continue your learning? What will you do to continue to move yourself forward?
Please click the pictures below to go to the Day's page.