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DAY 21
Showing Up for Racial Justice
Read, watch, or engage in one or more of the resources on this page to explore the day's topic. There is no right or wrong pick on the list, choose what resonates with you.
Moving Forward
Throughout the culminating week of our 21 day challenge, take stock of what you’ve learned, how you’ve changed, and begin to contemplate what’s next for you on your journey. What will you do to make sure you stay aware? What will you do to continue your learning? What will you do to continue to move yourself forward?
Organized by the City of Palo Alto and Safe Routes to School. Get some background information based on past event. Sign-up for this event.
From the list of 103 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice by Corinne Shutack.
Register for the culminating racial justice event where Joe Truss, from Truss Leadership, will speak on sustaining the work. You won’t be disappointed.
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